
Targum and Testament Revisited: Aramaic Paraphrases of the Hebrew Bible: A Light on the New Testament is unavailable, but you can change that!

Targum and Testament Revisited is a new edition of a text first published in 1972, now revised in light of research during the intervening period. In his introduction Martin McNamara details significant developments in the field, ending with a note on the tell-like structure of targumic tradition, with interpretations from different ages, also showing the presence of continuity in interpretation...

is little different from the rest of the witnesses to the Palestinian Targum. In his study of Pseudo-Jonathan he compares the Aramaic text of the Testament of Levi as found in Qumran (4QLevia [4Q213]) with the same Testament as found in the Cairo Genizah. The identity of both texts is clear from the shared vocabulary and syntax. The Genizah text, though the selfsame as the Qumran one, gives every external appearance of being a text more at home in the medieval Jewish literary tradition that gave
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